COVID Testing & practice (All levels will now practice 5:30pm to 7:30pm for the remainder of the season) Check in times for testing is below, after testing, players are free until we start practice at 5:30pm.
Frosh check in at 4pm in front of the boy’s locker room
JV check in at 4:20pm in the boy’s locker room
Varsity check in at 4:45pm in boy’s locker room
All players need to click on the link below to create an order for your test on your profile that you created, you do not need to fill out the consent form anymore. in procedure (arrive 15 minute before start time to get checked in)
1. The link below will take you to a COVID-19 Questionnaire that you will need to take within an hour of the start time for each and every training. If you do not take this questionnaire before check in for our training you will not be able to participate. When you arrive you will have your temperature taken and recorded
What to bring
1. Face Mask
2. Court shoes
3. Your own water, there will be no water stations and you are not allowed to share water.
4. Hand sanitizer will be present but it is encouraged to bring your own to use.
5. Bag to put your belongings in
All levels – 5:30pm to 7:30pm
400 Rancho Del Oro Dr, Oceanside, CA 92057, USA
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